Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Quick Thought: Annoyed...

There is no way to eloquently start this, and I'll keep it short, the American people had more than two choices for the President of the United States. Instead of recognizing the variety of candidates, they selected from what the media said were the only to legitimate candidates, a warmonger and a reality TV star. In the libertarian corner, you had two governors, Gary Johnson had run a successful company out of high school, elected twice in New Mexico, balancing the budget while in office, and was far better shape.

But no, we selected a man with no leadership ability, whose only redeeming quality was that he wasn't part of the system. We chose to elect a reality TV star over a pair of governors, and based their opinion on him on the inability of MSNBC to understand what a "transition in topic" is.

I hold a lot of frustration back from this election and only irritates me more that we will do the same in four years. We still chose only between Democrats and Republicans, unable to think outside the box, unable to take a risk on might look like the fringe party. It is hard to comprehend that people could chose between two of the worst candidates to ever run for that office and ignore candidates with leadership ability under their very nose.

My fellow Americans, we really have some soul searching to do...

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