Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Apple's Special Event: A Reaction

Apple today introduced there new iPhone 7, Apple Watch, and "Ear Pods". While for some that is fantastic news, for me it's... ok. Disappointing is a better sentiment, what they showed us was interesting and innovative, I was hoping for the rumored new MacBook Pro. The "life style gadgets" have their appeal, I used an iPhone 6, but I prefer raw power and the innovations surrounding computers.

I have been an Apple fan since my family bought our first iMac, and since then the vast majority of my computers, and even some gadgets have been from apple. However, I could honestly care less about the Apple Watch (I personally think it's stupid and overpriced), and the iPhone is nifty, but I still use my laptop (MacBook Pro mid-2012) for doing most tasks.

Apple's current trends haven't impressed me recently, with the exception of the new Mac Pro. Thinness isn't everything and not everything has to be wireless, they are annoying, but better then two "Pods" that can't wrap around your phone and you'll probably lose one. I'll probably get an iPhone 7 at some point, but with proper lightening cable headphones, or an adapter. 

Rant concluded.

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