Friday, February 19, 2016

Quick Thought: The Pope Vs. Trump

Once again an issue has developed that has everyone yelling like intwits in a burning building. The Pope, in reference to GoP candidate Trump, that those who "ONLY think about building walls, and not bridges" are unChristian. Trump has retorted by saying saying that "No leader (espcially religous) shouldn't question another man's religion." So let me put my prespctive on this.

First off, the Pope's comments probably should looked at in more of a metaphorical way. He's not against literal walls, but probably the idea of barring someone from your country because of who they are, and not extending a "bridge" of friendship. While Trump as said that he plans to build a wall on the border, but with a "large golden door".

To often we misinturrpret what people say and what they said loses it's true meaning. Take  a 7/8th's aporoach when reading thia kind of statements, bemore informed than the average blind follower.

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