Friday, February 19, 2016

Quick Thought: The Pope Vs. Trump

Once again an issue has developed that has everyone yelling like intwits in a burning building. The Pope, in reference to GoP candidate Trump, that those who "ONLY think about building walls, and not bridges" are unChristian. Trump has retorted by saying saying that "No leader (espcially religous) shouldn't question another man's religion." So let me put my prespctive on this.

First off, the Pope's comments probably should looked at in more of a metaphorical way. He's not against literal walls, but probably the idea of barring someone from your country because of who they are, and not extending a "bridge" of friendship. While Trump as said that he plans to build a wall on the border, but with a "large golden door".

To often we misinturrpret what people say and what they said loses it's true meaning. Take  a 7/8th's aporoach when reading thia kind of statements, bemore informed than the average blind follower.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Conflict of Interest

The death of Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia has left a major political battle in it's wake, the appointment of his successor. According to the Constitution, the President appoints Supreme Court Judges and congress approves them. However, in this, the last years of Obama's administration, the Republicans have said that they will do whatever they can to block his appointment, this could potentially mean violating the Constitution, however, apparently there is no set time upon which they have to approve a successor. This had had led to a major "conflict of interest" in  the government.

For myself, this is also a "conflict of interest." On one hand I want them to follow the  Constitution as it is written, as it is the source of our rights and the foundation of our government. It provides checks and balances in the government to prevent any one organization or person from taking to much power. But I also have no faith or trust that President Obama will place a judge who is Constitutional, and merits the appointment. His last few seemed to be based more on race and gender than anything else, and the same goes for his appointments to other government positions. I almost support what the Republicans are doing in the interest of the Constitution, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

 I'm no supporter of the Republican party, however I do tend to vote their way because they field more candidates that have a grasp on reality. I can only hope that Obama's appointment is thought out carefully and with care, and Congress does what it can, Constitutionally, to make sure that happens.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Liberty Will Fight on

As of yesterday, February 3rd, Rand Paul dropped out the race for the Presidency. After starting out strong, he floundered under the weight thrown around by Donald Trump and his name. After his last debate (minus Trump ) and his boycott prior, there seemed to be hope, a possible turnaround in his campaign. However it was not to be so, the religious right of Iowa turned out and voted Cruz as the caucus winner. Paul was left in fifth place with a single delegate. After that, he suspended his campaign to focus on his senate race in Kentucky.

It is a devastating defeat for the movement of liberty and the push for small government, but it's an understandable one. His voice and the voice of the people who believe will still be heard, his work can still be done in Congress. It's a defeat, but not an end to the fight. Rand Paul has said, "We’re not trading our liberty. Not now, not ever. Hell no. Liberty will live on. We fight on.” Four years from now, there will be another chance in 2020, and as an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) he better take advantage of that year, "2020 vision".

What is most troubling and frustrating though is who do we vote for now? Some have said that it should be Cruz because he supposedly has had a libertarian streak. One person I saw even posted that Paul supporters should vote for Bernie Sanders; a communist, I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of the liberty movement. As for me, I'm going for the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in the main election, no he's not a major candidate, but I'm tired of choosing between who I dislike the least. As for the primaries, I may just flip a coin.

But it's up to all of you to decide for yourself. Look at the issues and not just the party the candidate is  from. Keep up the fight!