Friday, December 4, 2015

Quick Thought: Video Games

On Black Friday last weekend, I walked into GameStop at my local mall. What was interesting was my reaction to being in that place, it felt almost juvenile. I've been playing video games since I was a kid, DOS versions of "Space Invaders" and "DooM II" were the first, then followed by my "Super Nintendo". It has been a hobby, a way to pass time, fun way to hangout with friends, and just plane fun. So, what has changed?

Over the past few years I have aquired a custom built gaming PC / Hackintosh and a XBox One (review coming). Of the two, I have enjoyed the PC far more than the XBone. More games through Steam and especially access to a bountiful amount of Mods. The XBone, not so much, not to mention a lack of storage, not a very convenient gaming machine.

Walking into the store made me feel like I was walking into a toy store (essentially it is), it's hard to explain. Since I played the game "Skyrim" many moons ago, I've more "complex" games (even though I bought Goat Simulator right after it's release), in story but also mechanics.

Perhaps it also the era which I come from in gaming. I miss the split screen multiplayer, and the time when games seemed more innovative than just graphics. I just find the counsel games lacking in this, and while "Call of Duty" is fun, it just seems juvenile and simple. I'm probably a bit of  hypocrite, but going into GameStop doesn't thrill me anymore. Not to mention I can't stand the XBox live crowd and eSports / MLG.

However, the new "DooM" game, I'll be getting that... for PC, it's practically in my DNA.

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