Friday, December 18, 2015

Quick Review: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

Those who saw the original film in 1977 ( I was born in 1989), probably still remember the excitement of seeing the first film. It was something new and exciting. But in 1999, Episode One came out, had a different feeling more than likely, one of disappointment, or at least that it was a mediocre movie. However in 2015, Star Wars actually did come back with the epicness worthy of that name.

The battles were awesome, there was humor, nostalgia, and it was just fun! There was not a dull moment, but I will admit, it was a little fast paced. But the movie holds your attention and doesn't let go. They crafted a fantastic story and characters that you actually care about, the new and old ones (Ackbar does have a cameo). Finally a light saber fight that was one of the best. If only J.J. Abrams put this much effort into the Star Trek reboot.

Anyways, this trilogy is off to a good start, with right amount of nostalgia and fresh ideas. It's "A New Hope", and not a "Midi-chlorian" in sight.

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