Monday, March 30, 2015

Top Gear, Final Thoughts; On Jeremy Clarkson and his Empire

One thing I would like to clear, despite what the reports say, Jeremy Clarkson was not fired or "sacked." The BBC decided to not renew his contract, which under the circumstances, was a better decision that just firing him; considering his and the co-hosts contracts would run out at the month. Again, I can understand what they did, and they made the decision with a heavy heart, but that doesn't mean we all have to agree with it. For us, he was the unapologetic, politically incorrect twit who gave us laughs and insightful information on cars. But he handled the issue with class and dignity, he knew what he did, and didn't let it show how much it bothered him, and from what I have read he's probably ready to take on the next challenge.

But is this end? No. Top Gear itself will likely continue in some fashion, it had existed for the better half of a century and probably will go on. For the three of them, there are multitude of possibilities. They could all do separate projects, or come together for another project, and considering they are still good friends, thats not out of the realm of possibility. What will they do, who knows. But I don't think we have heard the last of "Captain Slow", "The Hamster", and "Jezza". Heck, the BBC hasn't ruled out signing again sometime in the future, the future is not bleak, and there is till hope.

But, for the rest of us, it is the sad end go an era, one that lasted over decade, and became one of the biggest shows… in the world. I already liked cars before, but this show furthered that interest, and despite their age, gave me some car people that I could relate to. So thank you, good luck, and surly we'll be following you guys to what ever you do next!

(Image linked from:

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