So the news is reporting it, it appears that
Top Gear (UK) as we know it, is going to be no more, Jeremy Clarkson has been "sacked", his contract will not be renewed, due to an incident with one of the producers. As a fan, an American fan, I am irate and saddened at this news. This is a show that I looked forward to for the last two or three years, their antics and banter have had me nearly falling out of my chair and into the corner of the nearest piece of furniture. Plus the line of super cars and "insane" cars have been highlight of the show for me. But it was the the relationship between the three presenters that really sold the show.
Top Gear (UK), according to the
Guinness Book of World Records, is the longest running factual television program in the world. It is watched by 350 Million people world wide, in hundreds of different countries. They were like an unstoppable hyper car with a perpetual motion devise as it's engine… or so we thought.
As mentioned, lead host Jeremy Clarkson was involved in an incident with one of the show's producers and as a result was suspended in what was dubbed a "fracas". According to sources, the incident took place after filming part of an episode and when Clarkson retired to the hotel, he yelled and punched the producer as there wasn't a hot meal ready for the presenter. Following the incident, Clarkson reported himself to
BBC director Danny Cohen in order to avoid any further issues, and was suspended there after and an inquiry held. After the news broke, fans rallied around the presenter, including myself, to see him reinstated.
Following the initial breaking of the story, the rumors spread that he was going to be canned. A petition was created, that has since reached over a million signers, to have him reinstated to
Top Gear. But the rumors came to fruition, and today is a sad day indeed.
While I understand what they did, I don't agree with their decision. For the
BBC, Top Gear is probably one of their highest grossing programs, next to
Doctor Who and their world wide news services. It is an amazing feat that a small local British television show has grown into such a massive global success; and the show has become a success due to the relationship between the three presenters that helped cement the shows place in the world. It is the ease and relationship that Clarkson, May, and Hammond had. They didn't care about offending anybody, they were unapologetic and knew what they're audience wanted to see. It's very rare to find a show with that as that perfect combination of elements, and subject matter that almost universal, to create something as awesome as
Top Gear (UK) was. Can it now survive without Clarkson?
Probably the opinion of most fans is that the
BBC has cut off it's own foot. Jeremy Clarkson has been the face of Top Gear for over a decade, he was on the old version, and help create the new version. While his co-hosts have become famous in their own right and have worked on their own projects, he was the glue that held everything together. I can't condone what he did, nor his hatred of Porsches, and he should face some sort of reprimand, which I think should be the producer getting to punch him on stage. But he should have been allowed to return to
Top Gear and provide us with the politically incorrect and unapologetic humor that I and fans and enjoy.
However, Mr. Clarkson will not lose either way, in fact he will win no matter what. No doubt that the bidding for war for Clarkson's contract is probably about to begin. His name carries the weight of an experienced and talented presenter, potentially two very talented co-hosts, and throngs of fans, which equal high profits to whomever gets him.
It's is the fans, however, who will also suffer to an extent in this situation. By no means is this greater than the harassment that the producer suffered in the altercation, but the fans do deserve something in this situation. It's because of them that they show has reached such heights, and produced so much money for the
BBC. The three of them should be allowed to complete the three final episodes and finish their last tour of
Top Gear Live as a farewell tour, if simply just for the fans as a thank you and a goodbye.
In this world that seems to be tarring itself apart and civilization appears to be on the collapse, it's nice to have something to go to that is simple and allows you to laugh. To watch something that is so humors and unapologetic and talk about a subject that crosses races and national borders. And to watch three old British idiots drive around in ridiculous cars, review them in an uncompromising honest way, and have fun, which we get to share in. At it's heart, it's a guy show in a very true sense, something we very rarely get to see, but has managed to cross all boundaries. I don't think it really can't ever be replaced, and we loved the obnoxious twit who brings it to us.
As James May said, "He's a knob, but I quite like him."
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