Monday, January 30, 2017

A Re: Reintroduction for the New Year!

Let me introduce to reintroduce, Welcome to the Mental Rambler! This a blog that discusses all manor of topics, from politics, to religion, film, and even whether or not Space Marines should be a thing. It's basically what ever subject happens to fly into my head that particular day.

The posting schedule is sporadic to say the least, being one the few employees at a family printshop, my time is often at a premium. So, keep checking back for updates.

If you wish to discuss these various topics that spew out of my brain, each article has a comments section, so feel free to debate as much as you like, just please keep it civil as possible.

Heres what to expect in the next few articles:
  • A Look at the Obama Presidency.
  • 2016 & the belated 2015 in Film
  • Thoughts on the American Education System
  • "A Request for Sanity", thoughts on Running a Print shop for a year
I have dozens other articles in the works, but we''l start off with these. Like I said, keep checking back, I will update when I can.

Have a Good Year!

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