Monday, July 11, 2016

A Quick Thought: Star Trek Beyond

The controversy surrounding the new Star Trek film deals with character of Sulu being portrayed as  a gay man. According to the film thos is to bring LGBT representation into the film and is the fist LGBT character in Star Trek. However, George Takie, who played Sulu in the orgininal series, disagrees with this, saying that it is unfortunate and doesn't fit with Rodenberry's vision.

As a long time fan of of the series, I must agree with Mr. Takie, infact I would consider extremely lazy writing. Star Trek has never shied away from portraying controversial issues, in fact on "The Next Generation" and "Deep Space Nine", LGBT issues were looked in at least two episodes. This is just a shoehorn for the sake of political correctness, rather then taking on the social issue in a creative way.

In Gene Rodenberry's vision, someone being gay would be a nonissue. People of the 23ird and 24th centuries wouldn't have cared, just like Picard's bald head.I understand the creative license of an alternate universe, however the events that created it would not have changed everything, you are still bound by certain rules.

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