Thursday, June 9, 2016

Not an Easy Choice

The news over the last few days has said that Hilary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Many people are dishartened by this, a man of the people defeated by the system. Even though I tend not to vote that way, I could see the quality of someone like Sanders, especially on the world stage.

Hilary is decitful and a liar, she helped distablize nations and create civil war. The people of Libya have nothing to thank her for. The global situation will only get worse under her administration, and more murderus groups will come to power. I don't know what it will be like under Trump, but it can't get any worse.

I can not tell you who to vote for, I haven't even come to a decision sice Rand Paul dropped out. I want a President who will uphold the Constitution and not involve us in pointless conflict. Could that be Trump? I couldn't tell you. In the end I may end up voting for Gary Johnson. All I can say is don't give into hate, keep an open mind, and look objectively. It's hard and frustrating, but its  the right thing to do.

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