Tuesday, June 2, 2015


As one can tell, I have been absent for a few weeks, remise in my duties to update the blog with new interesting bits for my from "thinker box". Work and other duties have interrupted my nobel duty as 26 human dispensing wise information for the ages. So… here's a filler episode until I get my act together.  Dug up from the sands of time from old site I used to have a profile on, these are the only three entries I made in the journal, unedited for your enjoyment!

(Circa 2007)
Space Marines Part 1
In many sci-fi novels, movies and games( including my favorite game of all time DooM) all of them have space marines. Now in 21st centuary and we are learing more about space, I think it is bout time for Space marines to come in, before we know it we could have colonies on mars and the moon and many nations and factions will have access to many diffrent types of ships that could pose a threat to many to our colonies. Space Marines could help defend these colonies.

To be continued…..

 Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 12:11pm
A war of Imperialism!? I think not!
American Imperialism, I am curious does any notice anything wrong about that phrase, because i sure do. What do I notice that is wrong with that phrase is that, IT IS NOT TRUE! It irritates me so much when people call what we are doing in the middle east Imperialism because I am not sure when the definition of Imperialism included freeing people from a merciless dictator and giving people democracy. Anyone who is or has called the War in Iraq a war for oil, or American imperialism hasn't really studied the reasons for going to war in Iraq or you might want to see a doctor for any head injuries.
One reason we went to war with Iraq was to get rid of Saddam and his Weapons of Mass Destruction. Saddam Hussine was ordered by the United Nations to let inspectors into his country and get rid of the WMDs in Iraq, he had around 12 years to do this. That may years later in 2003 Saddam still hadn't done what he was ordered to do by the United Nations. So the US invaded with other allied nations to take out Saddam Hussiane. The UN protested their own mandate by protesting the United States invasion. In this case the only mistake bush made was that he forgot to mention the UN mandate against Iraq.

Now I think it is time for a little lesson in US politics. All of you liberals and ignorant people who believe them, believe that Bush is the cause of this war and all blame is to be left on him. But you know if the president could declare when he wanted, the US would have been involved in a lot more wars over the 200 years this great country has stood. That is why our government has check and balances. The President of the United States can not declare war with out the approval of the United States Congress. That means that all of your favorite liberal senators and congress men voted in favor of this war that all of you now protest. Don't protest Bush over this war, go after your congressmen and senators for this war, they are the ones who approved it. Bush is not king or a dictator like all you think that he is, if he was do you think that we would have the same rights that we have right now?

Think a little bit about this war before you say something about it, and don't whack your head against large metal objects.

Tue Nov 20, 2007 @ 07:03pm
Space Marines Part 2
I will now continue in my reasons that we should have Space Marines. We look today upon a frightening world of terrorism and conflict, and a world of ever rapidly increasing technology. One of the biggest technological advancements that we have had is the International Space Station, the only problem with it, is that it has no protection. To solve this an International Space Command should be set up to defend the space station and Earth in General from attacks from space. The Space Marines could be the muscle of this new force. With specialized weapons they could guard the station and pilot specialized fighters that could fly around the station and earth protecting them.

Well that is all I got for now

To be Continued…………….

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