(Originally written as response on Facebook.)
It was a new low when we, out of wide field of candidates, put these two forward as the prime presidential candidates. a moron and a liar. We have no one to blame but out selves, We can either look at what the third parties have to offer, demand that this election be reset, or chose the "lesser of two evils." Do not fool yourselves, both are just as bad, they are both reckless, and while Trump's as only been through his words, Clinton has outright violated the trust of the American people with here actions, as Secretary of State and with her foundation. If only the media would be so bold as to treat both candidates on the same level rather than give favors to one or or the other, or push others aside because they deem them nonviable. We should all be ashamed for what has happened in this election, but I also hope that it gives us a good lesson when we only look at the surface in these elections.