A Quick Update...
I will also be setting up a second blog. Yes, one might ask why when can't update this one on a regular basis. However this one will be a more focused one, art and my work at the print shop. The the "Printed Rambler" articles will be posted there from now on. I will post a link once I get that setup. I should setup a writing one at someone point, surrounding my future novel series, but maybe later.
So... A Quick thought....
The news is reporting today that North Carolina and Georgia (USA) are putting forth LGBT discriminatory laws. Georgia is call theirs a Religious Liberty law, but in basic terms they allow business to discriminate against LGBT people, deny them business. Now, what I am going to say may not be the popular idea, but let them pass it, don't punish business for that practice. My reasoning this that they will go to businesses, like my family's, who could care less what your sexual orientation is and just want to make money. In this case, money is not the root of evil but an equalizing factor. Their discriminatory practices is a benefit to those of us who only care about the money. Let karma be the punishment. 'It's a bitch, ain't it!'
Society usually corrects it's self in one way or another, and it's really only a small amount of people who feel like their religious rights are threatened. The Constitution grants you the right to worship as you chose and speak your mind. No one, only yourself, can take away those rights. LGBT people don't threaten the foundation of this society, only people chasing make-believe phantoms do. The real threats are out there in the world, try to kill us and destroy our way of life, liberty and freedom, and we shouldn't curtail our rights to save ourselves from them.
So, in conclusion, carry on and karma will take care of the rest.