Saturday, December 27, 2014

A ReIntroduction!

To the very few people who have stopped by here in their wanderings through the vastness of the interwebs, one would notice that this place has not been updated since 2011, almost 4 years since I started. So, to the people who may have found my three articles interesting and hoped for more, I apologize; school and work have consumed most of time. The balance of online classes from UMass Dartmouth and working for parents small printing business is not the easiest of tasks, couple that with running the shop on your own for about a year, only a few months after you graduated, my schedule has been full.

Lo and behold as of this September the insanity ended, my father, the owner of the business, came back from doing consulting work and things are slowly going back to a sense of normalcy I won’t complain about being part business owner for a year, but it’s not something that I wish to repeat. Now I can focus on some of my other endeavors, such as this blog, and the epic novel series that I have to bring back under my control.

So, once again, welcome! Welcome to the Mental Rambler! A blog written by a man in his mid 20’s  about all sorts varying things! From the tribulations of government, international politics, and religion, to video games, movies, and why we should have space marines. Every article written here is my opinion, so take with a grain of salt, for not everything here is fact. Feel free to disagree with in the comments. Enter at thy own risk!

Once again Welcome to the Mental Rambler!